2021 District XI American Advertising Award Winners

Results of the 2020-21 District XI professional and Student American Advertising Awards have been finalized, following judging of district submissions. This year’s District XI jury was comprised of esteemed advertising creatives from around the United States. Together, they viewed and evaluated the many district-level submissions – all of which had previously won ADDY Awards at the local level within the Pacific Northwest District, including from AAF affiliated Ad Clubs in.. Read More

2020 District XI American Advertising Award Winners

Judging in the Pacific Northwest District (District XI) of the American Advertising Awards was completed April 1 in Seattle, WA. Professional and student entries – which had advanced from local competitions in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska – competed in this second round of the three-tiered American Advertising Awards. Professional Best of Show honors were won by Digital Kitchen Seattle for their Social Media Campaign “#ChaseTheHaze” done for Deschutes… Read More

2017 District XI American Advertising Awards Winners Announced

Judging in the Pacific Northwest District (District XI) of the American Advertising Awards was completed April 1 in Seattle, Washington. Nearly 400 professional and student entries – which had advanced from local competitions in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska – competed in this second round of the three-tiered American Advertising Awards Professional Best of Show honors were won by Wunderman Seattle for their Interactive “GamerCrest” Branded Content entries done.. Read More

2016 Northwest American Advertising Awards Winners

American Advertising Awards Northwest

Judging for the AAF Northwest American Advertising Awards Competition was held in Seattle, Washington, April 2-3. The judges for the competition were James Duffy, Associate Creative Director at Heat in San Francisco, Jeremy Seibold, Creative Director at TDA in Boulder, and Jeanne Shields, freelance Creative Director and writer in Chicago. The judges evaluated over 383 entries (321 professional, 62 student) in this year’s competition for the AAF Northwest American Advertising.. Read More

2015 American Advertising Awards Northwest Winners

American Advertising Awards Northwest

AAF District XI Announces District Winners of The American Advertising Awards American Advertising Awards judging took place for the Pacific Northwest Division on April 8 & 9 in Boise, Idaho, and Professional Best of Show honors went to Drake Cooper of Boise, Idaho for their entry “18 Summers” Mini Documentary, done for the Idaho Department of Tourism. A Professional Judges’ Choice Award for “Outstanding Body of Work” was given to.. Read More

American Advertising Awards Northwest

American Advertising Awards Northwest

The American Advertising Awards is the world’s largest advertising creative competition—the only place you can win an ADDY Award. We honor the very best work from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska and Montana. Winners move on to the National Competition. For questions or more information, contact AmericanAdvertisingAwards@districtxi-aaf.org