American Advertising Federation District XI is excited to continue our Ambassador Program. This program sends a current member of a District XI NSAC team to watch and report back on the NSAC final competition held in conjunction with AdMerica in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 5-8, 2025.
The student must be nominated by an advisor (only one per school). At the District NSAC competition in April, a panel of judges will interview the nominees and select the District XI Ambassador. The nominated students MUST be planning to return next year to work on the NSAC program at their school. However, it is NOT required the nominee has worked on the current campaign. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 3 in Ray Hall on the OSU-Cascades campus. They will begin around 5:30 PM. We will notify the nominees of their interview time slot.
The Ambassador will watch all the national finalists and glean key insights. In the fall, the Ambassador will provide a presentation of the findings/takeaways for all current District XI NSAC team members. The intent is to keep District XI schools informed with the winning methods of the best teams in the country.
District XI will pay roundtrip air (or travel allowance) from their hometown or nearest airport to school, whichever is applicable, plus lodging at the conference hotel and full access student registration at AdMerica.
Deadline to nominate one student is March 26.
Advisors only: Nominate a student pass protected